Maybank & Woodland Shores

The Latest

The Complete Streets improvements for both Maybank and Woodland Shores, originally expected to go out to bid at the end of 2021, were delayed by opposition from various property owners. The project did go out to bid in April 2024, and the response was over budget.The County received additional funds from the BCDCOG and will re-bid the project in the third quarter of 2024. are expected to go out for bid at the end of 2021. As a reminder, these improvements include: a pedestrian crossing between the Pour House and The Terrace shopping center; a wide sidewalk multi-use path along Maybank from Stefan to Woodland Shores; a wide sidewalk along Woodland Shores. Originally, the sidewalk on Maybank was supposed to be a multi-use path, but property owners caused the project to be scaled back. The width of the sidewalk on Woodland Shores will vary parcel by parcel, depending on which property owners would not provide right-of-way.

Contract awarded!

In January 2025, Charleston County Council voted unanimously to approve the contract for the Maybank and Woodland Shores Complete Streets project. Thank you to Council for continuing to prioritize these safety improvements. 

Expect to see: a pedestrian crossing and refuge between the Pour House and The Terrace shopping center; a widened sidewalk along Maybank from Stefan to Woodland Shores; a wide sidewalk along Woodland Shores. The width of the sidewalks on both Maybank and Woodland Shores will vary parcel by parcel, depending on which property owners would not provide right-of-way. 

County officials will announce plans for a community information meeting prior to the start of construction, which is anticipated to begin in the next six to eight weeks.


Since 2014, four people have been injured and two people have been killed while walking or biking on Maybank Highway between Woodland Shores Road and Fleming Road. This is a corridor that connects neighborhoods, businesses and greenspace. There is a dire need for safety and quality-of-life improvements along James Island’s Maybank Highway corridor, necessitating a complete street vision to make the street safer for all users. Charleston Moves has worked with neighbors, businesses, local and state government towards bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvements, as well as zoning and development policy changes in the area to encourage safe walking, biking and transit access. Charleston County’s project page is HERE.


January 14, 2025: Charleston County Council unanimously votes to award the Maybank/Woodland Shores contract. 

After some back and forth, and additional funding from the BCDCOG, Charleston County re-bid the project in late 2024.

Through 2022 and 2023, Charleston Moves worked with interested citizens to get project and study funding for an enhanced crosswalk with a pedestrian signal (a HAWK signal), as well as a segment of sidewalk, at the Municipal Golf Course crossing on Maybank Highway. The project is funded with gas tax dollars via Charleston County, with the City of Charleston’s match.

The Complete Streets improvements for both Maybank Highway and Woodland Shores Road, originally expected to go out to bid at the end of 2021, were delayed by opposition from various property owners. 

On December 14, 2020, Charleston County Planning Commission voted to not allow drive-thru service in the Planned Development (PD) zoning for the vacant parcels at the corner of Maybank and Woodland Shores. The Commission’s recommendation was required to get approval by Charleston County Council. That vote never occurred, and instead, the developer chose not to proceed with the project.

As of March 2020, County staff has been working on final design for the improvements. Additionally, we successfully updated the proposed Maybank Overlay Zoning to include requirements for a 10’ minimum multi-use path for any new developments or substantial redevelopments along the corridor.

On January 10, 2020, Charleston County submitted a Complete Streets application to the BCDCOG to fund sidewalks along Woodland Shores Road and a multi-use path between Woodland Shores and Stefan Drive, ultimately linking to the already-funded mid-block crossing with pedestrian refuge.

On August 13, 2019, Charleston County Transportation Committee (CTC) voted to approve funding for the mid-block crossing with pedestrian refuge between the Terrace Shopping Center and Pour House! Next up, the City of Charleston will begin work on designing and engineering. HUGE THANKS to neighbors, business owners and Senator Sandy Senn who spoke and submitted letters of support! And of course, thank you to City of Charleston, Charleston County and SCDOT for making the safety of Maybank a priority!

In July 2019, the corridor underwent a microsurfacing, during which the travel lanes were narrowed to slow traffic and the turn lane was widened to make room for a mid-block crossing with pedestrian refuge. This came out of a recommendation from the Safety Review report.

On May 6, 2019, SCDOT published the final Road Safety Review, including our data and recommendations. Check out the full report HERE.

On March 24 and March 27, 2019, Charleston Moves conducted bike and pedestrian counts at key locations (Woodland Shores Road/Maybank Highway intersection, Terrace Shopping Center/Pour House segment, and Wappoo Creek Drive/Maybank Highway intersection) to help inform design options. Check out our Maybank Highway Bike + Pedestrian Report HERE — the numbers are staggering!

On February 21, 2019, the City of Charleston invited Charleston Moves and others on a walking tour of the Maybank corridor between Woodland Shores and Wappoo Creek. Immediately following, on February 26, 2019, SCDOT convened a Safety Review of the corridor to identify short- and long-term solutions to make it safe and connected for all users, with information coming from public comments and what we witnessed on site.

On February 19, 2019, after the death of David Massie, Charleston Moves organized a community meeting to get citizen feedback on the safety improvements needed for this corridor. This happened in coordination with Charleston County and City of Charleston’s overlay zoning meetings. Requests from citizens had not changed: make the corridor safer and more connected for people walking, biking and waiting for the bus.

In August 2018, Charleston County and the City of Charleston conducted a survey of stakeholders during the Maybank Highway overlay zoning meetings, during which most respondents highlighted the need for safety and connectivity improvements for people who are walking and biking. Unsafe intersections, lack of sidewalks and bike lanes, and high speed limits were all identified as problems.

In 2008, Maybank Highway was scheduled for a resurfacing by the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT). Charleston Moves and others submitted design alternatives to include bike lanes and a planted median. Those suggestions were rejected by the agency, and the resurfacing went forward, as well as expanding the outer lanes to 14’ to allow bikes and motor vehicles to share the 45 mph roadway — a dangerous move that did not make the roadway any safer. Meanwhile, the corridor continued to develop as a “village center” without safe roadway improvements, with neighbors walking more to the shops and restaurants nearby.