Safe, equitable infrastructure that works for all, benefits all. How we get there includes your participation when it comes to plan and policy development, data collection, advocacy, communicating with leadership, and showing a critical mass of support at events. Join us to ensure that better becomes the new standard!


Ashley Landing

City of Charleston Planning Commission
Wednesday, September 18
5 pm
City of Charleston Public Meeting Room (First Floor, 2 George St, 29401)

The next step in the City of Charleston’s votes and discussions related to the Ashley Landing (Sumar Street) development agreement will be a public hearing at Planning Commission. The agenda is HERE (agenda item Development Agreement, 1. Sam Rittenberg Blvd, Old Towne Rd, Sumar St – Ashley Landing). The working draft of the development agreement can be found starting on page 22 HERE.

Charleston Moves’ position on this development includes:

  • We look forward to working with EDENS to create an enjoyable biking, walking and transit experience throughout the site and linking to it.
  • We’d like to see an increased percent of affordable and workforce housing on site. When people can afford to live in mixed-use centers, they drive less.
  • We’d like to see less surface parking and more greenspace and trees, particularly as it caters to people on bicycles, on foot, and waiting for the bus.

You can participate in the public hearing by attending the meeting in person. If you cannot attend the meeting, you can submit written comments by the deadline of noon on Tuesday, September 17.

Community Development Committee
Thursday, September 19
3 pm
City Hall (80 Broad St), Virtual, or Dial-In

Charleston City Council’s Community Development Committee will discuss the affordable housing component of the Ashley Landing development, as well as vote on the Development Agreement and Public Infrastructure Agreement. Additionally, staff will present a Design Review Board amendment on the West Ashley Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District. There is a public input opportunity at this meeting. Citizens can participate or leave comments for the Committee by completing THIS FORM. If requesting to speak by telephone, please provide your name and telephone number. Requests to speak at the meeting and comments must be received by NOON THIS THURSDAY, September 19. Agenda HERE.

Union Pier

Charleston County Finance Committee
Thursday, September 19
5 pm
Council Chambers (4045 Bridge View Dr, 29405)

On this week’s Finance Committee agenda of Charleston County Council, the City of Charleston will provide a presentation on the Union Pier Tax Increment Finance (TIF) District and Redevelopment Plan. You can view the agenda by clicking HERE, then scroll down to the chart with PDF downloads. The agenda packet notes that the City of Charleston will be hosting the public hearing on the Union Pier TIF in November.

There is no opportunity for public comment at the Finance Committee meeting, but you can attend the meeting in person or live stream it HERE.

Rethink Folly Road

Steering Committee Meeting
Wednesday, September 25
3 pm
James Island Town Hall (1122 Dills Bluff Rd, 29412)

The Rethink Folly Road Steering Committee will meet on September 25. Multiple items are up for discussion, including SCDOT’s Road Safety Audit, the state of bus stops, and more. There is a public comment opportunity at the meeting. You can find the agenda by visiting HERE, scrolling down to “Rethink Folly Road Steering Committee,” and clicking on the agenda file. You can also livestream the meeting HERE.

Dorchester Road

Public Meeting
Thursday, September 26
5-7 pm drop-in
Jerry Zucker Middle School of Science (6401 Dorchester Rd, 29418)

Last April, we participated in SCDOT’s Road Safety Audit (RSA) of Dorchester Road, from Park Gate Drive to Kent Avenue. SCDOT identifies roads to audit based on the number of collisions. SCDOT has studied the team’s suggestions and is now ready to present improvement concepts to the public. These concepts include improvements for biking, walking, and public transit access, and are generally funded by federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds, under Vulnerable Road User (VRU) Safety.

The drop-in meeting will also include information from Charleston County on their proposed improvements of Dorchester Road, from the Dorchester County line to Michaux Parkway.

Mark your calendar to drop in on September 26, or you can review SCDOT’s public engagement materials HERE and submit your comments to SCDOT by October 11.

Folly Road

Public Meeting
Thursday, November 7
5-7 pm drop-in
James Island Town Hall (1122 Dills Bluff Rd, 29412)

Last May, we participated in SCDOT’s Road Safety Audit (RSA) of Folly Road, from Old Folly Road to Old Folly Beach Road. SCDOT identifies roads to audit based on the number of collisions. SCDOT has studied the team’s suggestions and is now ready to present improvement concepts to the public. These concepts include improvements for biking, walking, and public transit access, and are generally funded by federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds, under Vulnerable Road User (VRU) Safety.

Mark your calendar to drop in, or you can review SCDOT’s public engagement materials online when they are posted.

North Charleston Needs Safe Transportation Access

» Petition:

South Carolina is one of the most dangerous states in the nation for vulnerable road users, with Charleston County leading the state in rates of injuries and fatalities to people on bicycles and on foot. In 2021, the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT), the agency that controls the majority of our roadways and bridges, passed a Complete Streets Engineering Directive, emphasizing that local formalized bike/ped plans would be needed for the state to install the appropriate infrastructure. For the City of North Charleston to have the best opportunities to work with SCDOT and achieve safe transportation access for its citizens, there needs to be a citywide master plan to guide priorities and facilitate implementation. The good news is that the City of North Charleston successfully applied to USDOT in 2024 to create a Safety Action Plan (SAP). We still need you to sign our petition to help ensure North Charleston’s SAP is usable and robust.

Cross the Cut

» Petition:

The Wappoo Cut Bridge is located along Folly Road between West Ashley and James Island. While it has sidewalks leading to it, and a maintenance path across, the space is too far narrow and close to fast-moving vehicles. This is a key corridor that links destinations with existing infrastructure and pending projects, including: the West Ashley Greenway, Maryville Bikeway, new Ashley River Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge, McLeod Plantation, Rethink Folly Road improvements, Maybank Highway complete streets work, James Island County Park, and more. Despite progress and opportunities on both sides, this bridge remains a barrier. We need a critical mass of support to make this crossing safe and comfortable for people to walk, bicycle, travel in wheelchairs, and with canes.

Where Do You Want To Walk + Bike In North Charleston?

» Survey:

We want to know where you currently walk and bike in North Charleston, and where you want to see improvements made to enable more and safer multi-modal trips. Thanks in advance for your input!