Ashley Phosphate Road Audit

In January 2020, the Charleston Moves team joined the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) and their consultants, the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments (BCDCOG), Palmetto Cycling Coalition, the City of North Charleston, and Dorchester County on a Road Safety Audit (RSA) of Ashley Phosphate from Dorchester Road to Rivers Avenue. The intent of the RSA is to assess the existing conditions and make suggestions for improvement in order to make the road safe and functional for all users. Planners and engineers across agencies will rely on this document as they develop safety improvement projects for the corridor.

Between January 2013 and June 2021, 35 people on foot and 16 people on bicycles were hit on Ashley Phosphate Road. On January 22, 2022, we lost another community member while walking. This corridor is ranked as one of the top ten most dangerous in the state for vulnerable road users, and within the top five in Charleston County. SCDOT has put improvement concepts in front of the public for input, which are based upon the January 2020 Road Safety Audit. You can read more about our stance in a joint commentary with Representatives Gilliard and Pendarvis HERE.

Please join us to speak up for change by June 10! Our primary concerns include the following; please feel free to incorporate them into your comments:

  • Convert the center turn lane into a raised median, which will serve as a pedestrian refuge, while reducing fast and unpredictable motor vehicle maneuvers. Also, lower the speed limit.
  • In addition to the two new traffic signals and one mid-block crossing proposed, we request a second mid-block crossing between Industry Drive and Pepperdam Avenue, as suggested in the January 2020 Road Safety Audit.
  • Develop a working plan to install a multi-use path over time, whether through encouraging zoning changes with partners and/or phasing the project. In the interim, alternate routing must include wayfinding signage and sharrows throughout.
  • All signalized intersections should be upgraded to include Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPIs) and prohibit right turns on red.

Please review the concepts (under the Project Materials section) HERE.