Safe, equitable infrastructure that works for all, benefits all. How we get there includes your participation when it comes to plan and policy development, data collection, advocacy, communicating with leadership, and showing a critical mass of support at events. Join us to ensure that better becomes the new standard!


SCDOT’s Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan

Comments due Saturday, April 19

» Project website:
» Full plan: SCDOT-Statewide-Multimodal-Transportation-Plan-and-Appendix-Version-13.pdf

The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT)  requests public comment on Momentum 2050, the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan. From the agency’s press release:

“Momentum 2050 outlines the future of South Carolina’s transportation system. All users and all modes of transportation in South Carolina were considered in the plan including cars, trucks, trains, public transportation, cyclists, and pedestrians.

The plan assesses South Carolina’s existing statewide transportation system and anticipated impacts over the next 25 years. Momentum 2050 also provides guidance on ways to improve the transportation system. Coordination with stakeholders such as the general public, metropolitan planning organizations, councils of government, and environmental groups was a key component in the development of Momentum 2050.”

To submit comments, you can use the website form (, or submit one of the following ways:

Email: [email protected] 

Ginny Jones, Public Involvement Director
SCDOT Public Engagement Office
955 Park Street
PO Box 191
Columbia, SC 29202

Charleston Moves is currently compiling bullet points and will post them here.

Highway 61 Safety Improvements

Following Road Safety Audits conducted by SCDOT in February and March of 2023, in partnership with stakeholders including Charleston Moves, the agency presented findings and recommendations for the public’s review and input. While the comment period has closed, our petition in support of separated bike lanes and an improved crossing at the intersection of 61 and the Maryville Bikeway is still open.

» Sign our petition

We submitted signatures received so far along with our comment letter to SCDOT. We will resubmit the signatures (as well as new ones) to the agency once SCDOT revises their concepts and brings them back for further review.

Limehouse Bridge Multi-Use Path

Please sign our petition to add a multi-use path to the Limehouse Bridge in Charleston County’s Main Road and 17 (Segment A) project:

In September 2024, Charleston County Council voted to award the Main and 17 contract, and cut bike/ped access from the river crossing. We have been working with the County to restore that access to the project. Please sign and share our petition for a multi-use path to be added to the Limehouse Bridge. We want to be able to show County Council citizen support for a path when the addition is presented to them on an upcoming agenda.

North Charleston Needs Safe Transportation Access

» Petition:

South Carolina is one of the most dangerous states in the nation for vulnerable road users, with Charleston County leading the state in rates of injuries and fatalities to people on bicycles and on foot. In 2021, the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT), the agency that controls the majority of our roadways and bridges, passed a Complete Streets Engineering Directive, emphasizing that local formalized bike/ped plans would be needed for the state to install the appropriate infrastructure. For the City of North Charleston to have the best opportunities to work with SCDOT and achieve safe transportation access for its citizens, there needs to be a citywide master plan to guide priorities and facilitate implementation. The good news is that the City of North Charleston successfully applied to USDOT in 2024 to create a Safety Action Plan (SAP). We still need you to sign our petition to help ensure North Charleston’s SAP is usable and robust.

Cross the Cut

» Petition:

The Wappoo Cut Bridge is located along Folly Road between West Ashley and James Island. While it has sidewalks leading to it, and a maintenance path across, the space is too far narrow and close to fast-moving vehicles. This is a key corridor that links destinations with existing infrastructure and pending projects, including: the West Ashley Greenway, Maryville Bikeway, new Ashley River Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge, McLeod Plantation, Rethink Folly Road improvements, Maybank Highway complete streets work, James Island County Park, and more. Despite progress and opportunities on both sides, this bridge remains a barrier. We need a critical mass of support to make this crossing safe and comfortable for people to walk, bicycle, travel in wheelchairs, and with canes.

Where Do You Want To Walk + Bike In North Charleston?

» Survey:

We want to know where you currently walk and bike in North Charleston, and where you want to see improvements made to enable more and safer multi-modal trips. Thanks in advance for your input!