
Connect with Charleston Moves 2020

Thursday, November 12

6-7 pm

Presented by Bike Law, Morrison Yard, Parker Capital Management, Raven Cliff Company + The BEND

You’re invited! Please join us for Connect with Charleston Moves 2020 presented by Bike Law, Morrison Yard, Parker Capital Management, Raven Cliff Company and The BEND! This virtual, livestream event will be an engaging look at this year’s exciting multi-modal accomplishments, our current and upcoming priorities, and specific ways for you to take action to support our movement. We’ll also have a live Q&A.

We have missed you, and hope to see your faces on the screen, answer all of your questions and have some fun!

Registration is free, but required to participate. If you SIGN UP BEFORE OCTOBER 12, you will receive a package in the mail with a schedule for the evening, handful of goodies, and advocacy toolkit.

Connect with Charleston Moves 2020 will replace this year’s Pedal & Panache, our annual fall fundraiser. Please consider donating (before and/or during the event) to help us keep on track during this difficult budget year. Donations of $50 or more will unlock tiers of newly-designed swag (no code needed to view) for you to choose from, so you can show off your commitment to safe streets in style. All items will be printed locally and mailed directly to you following the event — we’ll cover shipping!

As a valued member of our community, we would love for you to join us on November 12. We are proud of our progress this year, and excited to bring you in on our upcoming priorities.

#connectwithcharlestonmoves2020 #virtualevent #fundraiser #peoplepoweredprogress #community #bikelaw #rideproud #morrisonyard #parkercapitalmanagement #raymondjames #ravencliffcompany #thebendcharleston

💗 Interested in SPONSORING this event? We would love that! 💗

Please check out our packet and email [email protected] to sign on.


A network of independent bicycle crash attorneys and advocates across North America. We are your comprehensive bicycling resource and have been protecting cyclists since 1998.
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JJ Horizleps